As we all know that India was known as ‘golden bird' from the medieval time's, due to which many invaders and conquerors were lured to India of due to abundant raw materials and availability of precious stones.It's said that, Gold and precious stones were first found in India. Although we all know how popular gemstones are today but even old scriptures and Vedic astrology describe the importance and use of gemstones. Garuda Purana is one of these scriptures.

Garuda Purana describes various kinds of rituals, spiritual practices, methods and mantras about the death and birth cycles. Garuda Purana contains many Shlokas that describes different gemstones, their test, characteristics and testing methodologies. Even the famous Vishnu Shasranaam have been derived from Garuda Purana. It describes Vastu, Anthropology, human nature, Astrology, Gemology, Shaligram worship rituals, Yajnas and other important spiritual practices.

According to Hindu Mythology, In Vishnu Purana and Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapurana, Bali, the grandson of Prahlad was a great king of the demons and with a resolution of dethroning God Indra as the king of heaven, Bali organized 100 Ashwamedha Yagyas. On the appeal of God Indra, Lord Vishnu decided to stop the 100th Ashwamedha Yagya of Bali and arrived there in the guise of Vamana (a dwarf Brahmin) and begged him to donate land measuring three steps. In two steps, Lord measures entire earth and heaven. Since there was no room than to take the third step, Bali offered his head to the Lord to take his third step. Hence, Lord Vishnu sent Bali direct to the Paatal & offered him to rule the Whole nether World and with the touch of the Lord's foot, Bali's earthly body transformed into Gemstones.

Bali's entier body converted into different kinds of minerals and fell at different landmasses, sea, and mountains.
According to Garuda Purana ,important gemstones are as follows:
1 Vajra - Diamond
It originated from the pieces of Bali's brain.
2 Mukta – Moti
It is believed to have originated from the mind or Manas of Raja Bali.

3 PadmaRaag – Ruby
It originated from the Heart of Bali, hence it has red or pink color
4 Markat Mani – Emerald
It's believed that Emerald originated from the nervous system of demon king Bali.

5 IndraneelMani (IndraNeelam) – Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire originated from the eye of King Bali.
6 Vaidooryam Mani – Cat's Eye
Cats Eye originated from the Yagyopavit (sacred thread) of Bali.
7 PushpraagMani – Yellow Sapphire
PushpraagMani or Pukraj as per Hindu mythology originated from the flesh of King Bali.

To read more about these 7 gemstones, make sure to check out our part two of thid blog which is, GEMSTONES : GARUDA PURANA AND GEMSTONES - II
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